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E-Newsletter - News From the New York State Literary Center, October 2015
E-Newsletter - News From the New York State Literary Center, December 2014
E-Newsletter - News From the New York State Literary Center, October 2014
E-Newsletter - News From the New York State Literary Center, March 26, 2014
E-Newsletter - News From the New York State Literary Center, December 10, 2013
E-Newsletter - News From the New York State Literary Center, October 15, 2013
E-Newsletter - News From the New York State Literary Center, December 7, 2011
E-Newsletter - Reception Picturing Our Dreams Link Gallery City Hall, November 14, 2011
E-Newsletter - November New York State Literary Center News, October 28, 2011

News From The New York State Literary Center
January 12, 2011

Students / Inmates in Arts, Literacy, and The Classroom Community, The New York State Literary Center's Partnership with Rochester City School District's Youth and Justice Program, in collaboration with the Office of The Sheriff, County, of Monroe recently shared their thoughts on their educations and their lives in a program for Rochester City School District's high school principals. The incarcerated youth wanted the principals to hear their stories. They wrote to help the principals understand their problems and where they were coming from. 
They wrote, "We don't want you to be afraid of us. Life is scary, and Monroe County Jail is a crazy place. We want you know us a little bit better. We all want a chance at life." The writing:
The New York State Literary Center is the subject of an article in the current issue of metropolitan, Winter 2011, published by the Arts & Cultural Council for Greater Rochester: 
And as we begin 2011l, we are reflecting on Wilbert Riddeau's book, In The Place of Justice, A Story of Punishment and Deliverance (Alfred A. Knopf, 2010):

"I buried myself in books. Initially, I read whatever was available on the black market "smuggled books" or those owned by other  inmates. After a prison library was created, I could be more selective, choosing what I wanted from the book cart brought in by a trusty. The more I learned, the more I sought; the more I reflected, the more I grew and matured. There were no lightning bolts, instant revelations, or overnight conversions; it was a long growth process in which I began to shed the ignorance, anger, and insecurities that had governed my previous life. I learned more from reading than I had from all my years of formal schooling, which had left me literate but uneducated. Eventually I came to see that there was so much to life and the world, so many options available that, as bad as things might have been, I was never trapped in my life as I had believed. I realized that my real problem had been ignorance and, as a result, I had thrown away my life.

"Reading ultimately allowed me to feel empathy, to emerge from my cocoon of self-centeredness and appreciate the humanness of others to see that they, too, have dreams, aspirations, frustrations, and pain. It enabled me finally to appreciated the enormity of what I had done, the depth of damage I had caused others."

Happy 2011

Sharing The Work of Incarcerated Youth
February 1, 2011

Each summer Arts, Literacy, and The Classroom Community, The New York State Literary Center's partnership with Rochester City School District's Youth and Justice Program and The Office of The Sheriff, County of Monroe produces a play I write with the incarcerated youth at Monroe County Jail. The plays are performed in Monroe County Jail. David Shakes, New York State Literary Center's Theater Teaching Artist, directs the plays. The incarcerated youth create and arrange the music working with Jeremy DeGroat, New York State Literary Center Recording Engineer and Teaching Artist. 
We want to share the work!
"Notes for 4 North, When You Fail Part of Me Died" was performed in July 2010. Thanks to Cpl. Providence Crowder there is a video excerpt from this play.
"I Stand Here Before You" was performed in August 2009. Recorded excerpts:
"Where Is Tomorrow Coming From" was performed in August 2008. Recorded excerpts: