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The Sixth Year, 2011 - 2012
Creating The Timeline 1970 - 1990

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The Playlist for Timeline 1970-1990



Poor Black people crying

because of the pain,


and fighting for freedom.


Why to stop violence do you have to be violent?


            L. B.





Where is the future?


Brothers dying.

Brothers killing each other.

Where is the future?

War is not the answer.


            J. H.




1970's, 1980's


I notice many things were founded in Rochester, Kodak, Xerox, but people did not take the risks going with new things with them. Our city was very successful and what happened to Kodak and Xerox? Why didn't people believe new ideas?


If you listen to the music from the 1970's and 1980's, you can tell how much things have changed.


            A. L.






always poverty.

In the 1970's poverty

looks the same as it does today.

It's just different people.


            J. M.



How many people died in the Vietnam War? Why do people think war is the answer? We will never stop the world from fighting, that's why we can't find any way to keep our minds on how things can be all right.


I'm learning about when things happened and how things were different back then. We need to know about the world to change the world.


            P. P.



What would things be like if John Lennon was alive now and the Beatles were still together? The world was different in the 1980's. For one, there were no VCR's.


Music shows how people are doing, like in the 1980's and today. Music shows how the times have changed. So much is different today than it was in the 1980's. What is the same is no jobs.


            P. P.





I think how in the 1980's how different things would have been if people really paid attention to the art, the music. People put their thoughts into the music and rapped what was there.


Why didn't people listen? If people listened things might have changed for children growing up in the ghetto.


            P. P.



The Times


Kent State shootings,

Super horse, Secretariat,

Watergate broke wide open,

A president resigns,

Travolta fever,

Mr. Hollywood, Warren Beatty,

When the music died, John Lennon,

Super shark, Jaws,

Golden oldies, Hepburn and Fonda,

Frazier vs. Ali,

Bruce Springsteen,



Here they come Prince Charles and Diana,

computers connected.


Shirley Chisholm ran for President. Why wasn't hip-hop in the mainstream? Was Kurtis Blow ever on the cover of Time? Or Grandmaster Flash or Run DMC?


Why did it take from 1985 until 1989 for YO! MTV RAPS to be on MTV?


"'"What's going on?"


What is American culture? Is it war, drugs, oil, music, McDonald's, gangs, poverty?


            M. S.





John Lennon shot down.

President Ronald Reagan shot,

and J. R. in the TV show Dallas was shot.

Eighty-three million people watched Dallas to see who shot J.R.


            B. W.