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The Planning Project 2005 - 2006
Student / Inmate Reflections

The following were written by the students / inmates on the Pilot Classroom Project:

We have learned we can write and see our writing in print.

We are learning to take responsibility for ourselves.

We learned to bring our talent out positively.

We learned to work together no matter what part of the city we are from.

We would like to take our writing and our CD into the community after we are released. It will keep us busy and maybe show us new careers.

We would like our families to see our writing and come to the performance. We would like our families to be proud of us.

We learned social skills and reading skills that will help us continue our education. We need more social skills.  

We learned we have talent and can do something with our lives. No one wants to be in jail.

We would like to do more with the music part, the musicians, and learn more about technology and music. 

We would like a writing center in the jail and a writing center we can go to when we get out.

We would like art programs when we are released, music where we can learn to play an instrument, writing, poetry, music studio, an art center that teaches us.

We would like research music and writing by people who have been inside, music and writing that reflects life inside.

We would like to incorporate this program into reentry.

It has been great for me and for other people to be treated like we are artists.

I learned to keep trying no matter how hard it is.

I learned work can be fun and productive.

I learned I could do hard assignments by just writing away.

I found out something about myself.

I learned writing is relaxing and exciting, and it gives me a chance to express myself and my feelings to the world.

I thank God there are actually people who care about us and don't judge us because we're criminals.

I did not know work could be pleasant and delightful.

This was the best work I ever did.